May 19, 2011


I'm crazy for new inventions in the language field and I was very happy when I got the idea for the title. But someone else has already had this illumination? Easy to check with the gentleman named in the heading. The fact is that have been so many before me to have this inspiring, but anyway I'll keep it because I swear it is the original product of my brain. These days we are more or less one year from the great renewal that Google has made ​​in its algorithm and we can sum up the result. There are two main aspects to consider, our point of view, webmasters who are trying to place our masterpieces on the first page and the experience of other navigators who are simply seeking to obtain information necessary for their work, or even better, for fun. Webmasters have digested the changes and have adopted the new rules. For some it went well, but many still have not been able to reach levels of success they had yesterday and unfortunately the gay that writes this columns is among them.

But for the surfer has gone even worse. An American magazine specializing in the topic of Internet searches has published a survey carried out among the common people and network users, those who do it professionally and the conclusion was catastrophic. Google is no longer the best search engine and the quality of search results provided are worse than during precaffeine, as they called the new version introduced last year. To verify this news I personally started to do some searches and I was remain really disappointed with what Google showed as the best sites. Looking for "online forex" on one national Google, from the first 10 sites listed, 4 did not give any useful information. Indeed, in the first place was a post from one forum containing only one sentence, that is without substance, and with a pagerank 0. Very surprising. Google's management have noticed what was happening and being afraid of losing customers, let’s remember that there are a lot of money from advertising, announced that they are reviewing the algorithm deeply and as quickly as possible they will try to improve it and give to the end users a good product.

For those of us who work around the world this changes promises a new, hard work, first of all to understand the modifications that will be introduced and then apply the appropriate steps to achieve the goal of being present on the first page. There will be so many sleepless nights, a lot of caffeine to keep us awake and new frustrations by seeing our sites slip 10, 20 pages back. But this is the Internet and you have to adapt. One of the ways to go out successfully, without excessive suffer this continuous changes is to make various sites in a different way, by applying a policy of diversification of contents and backlinks, so you can have different profiles and hope that one of them is already well optimized for changes to come.