For years I do the webmaster, but I never made investments in this activity. Only costs that I have are two hosting providers and my multiple domains. I would surely have the cost of my personal computer with an Internet connection without doing this job. I never bought links, which many of you do, never invested in a SEO campaign, or a kind of promotion. But two years ago I have been offered 50 euros from Google AdWord to test their advertising program. Since it was an offer I decided to try, to broaden my horizons. Once I subscribed the program, they asked me to add my 5 euros and I made this little sacrifice.
I decided to promote my Forex site and I was following the results. Nothing! Nothing! I had a bit 'of visitors, some of them from the various sites that use AdSense and lend their space to advertising and some directly from Google search pages, but the financial result was nil. I thought I could invest, let’s say, 1000 and receive 1500 euros, have a capital with interest, but this test was entirely negative. Last year, returned from vacation I found another promotion that Google gave me 100 euros and without any additional request. Because it is totally free, it would be silly not to try again. But this time I chose a different tactic: I didn’t promote my site, but directly my sponsor. I entered my sponsor’s code directly into AdWord and I started to follow the result. Very hopeful, I must say, because the idea seemed to me very good. Why send a potential customer to my site if I can send him directly to the sponsor?
The statistics that provide my Forex sponsor are quite detailed and I can see where the traffic originates. And the visitors came, and all matched very well with the stats I had from AdWord: you know that we affiliates are a bit skeptical about the correctness of what we pay and what we pay for certain services, but in this case all were perfect. Except the main thing: 100 euros invested, which fortunately were not mine, 0 cents earned. I heard that there are people who earn in this way, but to me this didn’t happen. Because it simply does not work, at least with the services that I promote myself, or I have made mistakes in my ignorance. But I gained a new experience, sorry two.
While the campaign was underway, I had a communication from the staff of AdWord which referring to my site that was present in the account two years ago, but was inactive in the current campaign. They simply said that my site was useless, because it did not give useful information to visitors and I had only one sponsor, that the visitor did not have much choice where to register to trade with currencies. They also gave me an address with two examples of utility / futility of two similar sites.
Bad thing, supported by the fact that a month before my site is out of the first page of search results and finished on fourth. I did not know what to do, how to make "profit" from the point of view of Mr. G. Obviously the human verifier has not peeled the pages well and examined in detail the content, because there are things that cannot be found elsewhere. I needed something visible and accountable to the "inspector" at first glance that there is something that is valid and original for a surfer. It took me some time to get there: I created a free Forex software that follows the trend of currencies and that visitors can download for free. It took me two weeks of work and I hope that this job will be paid in terms of utility. I just have to wait for future development: I will let you know my conclusion in one of the subsequent posts.